Providing heating, cooling and electrical services to southeastern Virginia since 2009

I was born in Norfolk and raised in Lynnhaven colony from the age of two. I went to Baylake Pines for kindergarten, John B Dey for elementary, Lynnhaven Jr High and graduated from Cox High School. I have watched this area grow from the days when you could climb sand dunes to reach the beach and take swimming lessons at the Y in the bushes off Shore Drive to the rise of Westminester Canterbury. I still call First Landing State Park, Seashore State Park regularly. Today I live in Aeries on the Bay in Virginia Beach and am happy to call our little community home. I have been blessed in life with wonderful parents who still live in my childhood home in Lynnhaven Colony and my grandmother who lives two doors down from them. I have a loving wife and two handsome and intelligent sons. We have endured challenges in life like our youngest  being diagnosed with Leukemia at a year and a half. I was serving in the USAF at the time and left under a hardship separation to return home for the comfort and support of family. We have successfully won that battle and one day that son will take over our little company and grow it further. We have been blessed in so many ways, from family and good fortune to a wonderful group of customers I consider friends. I hope you will consider joining us on this journey. We would like to add you to our list of friends. I’m proud to offer our community heating, cooling, and electrical solutions. 

Todd Ricks


Join me on this journey